Pedagogy and learning design

Organize alternative assessment

Teaching online does not mean a simple copy of face-to-face teaching activities in a virtual environment. By encouraging teachers to adopt various digital tools, the EMVITET project aims at opening teachers’ view in designing and implementing alternative forms of teaching methods as well as assessment methods to realize truly student-centered education. In this page, concrete examples and ideas are given for teachers to be inspired.

Alternative e-assessment

Contingency planning: exploring rapid alternatives to face-to-face assessment

Sally Brown and Kay Sambell wrote a Quick Guide which aims to offer some suggestions to make rapid adjustments in case of switching to online teaching due to corona. The intention behind the guide is to assure the standards of students’ achievements in an emergency situation. However, it needs to be recognised that, in ideal circumstances, none of these would be quick fixes but are likely to need considerable planning, training and activity on behalf of the university to ensure they are viable for staff and students. Any alternatives should endeavour to “be as close as possible to the current unit running in face-to-face mode” and should maintain the balance of formative and summative assessment, as well as being inclusive, accessible, valid and reliable.

Read the quick guide

Selecting Online Alternatives to Common Assessment Methods

While some assessment components do not need significant adjustment in the move to online (including at-distance) learning, others require some additional thought and may need to be replaced/significantly adjusted. The National Forum conducted a review of assessment practices across Irish higher education in 2016, exploring 487 modules and 1260 separate assessments across 30 programmes of study. This review highlighted the most commonly used assessment methods across the sector. In support of the move to online assessment, this resource provides some indication of the kind of modifications that could be made for these common assessments. It is not an exhaustive list, but we hope it may be helpful in considering some of the available options.

Read the guide

Over 20 ideas for alternative assessments which can be completed online.

Creative Assignment Ideas for Teaching at a Distance

Bard Centre for Experimental Humanities 


5 Tips for designing online assessments

Creative Methods of Assessment in Online Learning 

Centre for Teaching and Learning

Guidance on assessments requiring students to record audio or video.

How can I use podcasts and videos? 

King’s College London
Ngày 01/08/2021 - 15:53:22

Alternative assessment

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